Mike Alvarado
My name is Michael, I'm from Waco, TX, and I'm a mix of at least 2 races. I'm 6' 1" and I come in weighing a healthy 210 lbs. You can't tell from my picture, but I got tattoos on my arms, legs, chest and stomach. I have a voice somewhere between Morgan Freeman and The Rock. So basically, the voice of an angel. LOL before I continue I wanna say that no matter what point you are in your life, you are loved and valued. Most importantly God loves you, He will give you signs and put the right people in your life at the right time. Who knows what reason God has for putting us in each other's path, but do know there is a reason, either way keep your head held high. So, I've been locked up since 2013, I was 25 and young then, now I'm 34 and grown. Going on 10 years and I pass it by exercising, reading, and trying to do productive things with my life. I keep in touch with the free world thru a few friends but to be honest I'm looking for more. I wanna meet some special female and have that feeling of someone in my corner. I know when the time is right God will put that person in my life, who knows you could be that person. I don't draw or write bad ass poems, probably could if I tried, but all my focus is on being better at life and to the people in my life. I'm not ashamed to say I'm looking for love, love is amazing and something this world can never get enough of. Everything else about me these is to know is only one letter away above all else I'm a cool, loving person, that will always keep it 100. Might come off as a little hood but my intentions are good, take care and follow your heart.
Aquarius DOB 2/12/88
35-year sentence- Agg Asst AG Police Officer
Brown eyes, Bald head, Mixed race, Single, Straight
Mike Alvarado #2249732
12120 Savage Dr.
Midway, TX 75852